Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gen. Bentley Rayburn for U.S. Congress

In this short informational video, Gen. Bentley Rayburn outlines his qualifications to serve as the U.S. Congressman representing the people of the 5th Congressional District of Colorado.


john e. anderson said...

Gen. Rayburn:

Best wishes for your victory! When I worked in my namesake John W. Anderson's campaign two years ago, I was concerned about the weak economy in the 5th District. I don't feel Rep. Doug Lamborn, the eventual winner, has done anything of substance for us. I see the effects of poverty almost daily here in Canon City, where I've recently retired. Partly because of the long deployment of troops from Fort Carson, the district's economy has been weak in this new century. My business in Colorado Springs was greatly damaged and I now subsist mainly on Social Security. I am not opposed to the war, but I would like the residents of the district to receive any aid possible from Washington. The country needs your military expertise. The district needs you as our representative. You have high moral character, intelligence, and winning ways. If I can assist you, please advise.

John E. Anderson

Rayburn4Congress said...


Thank you for your support! I will be in touch.
