Ron Paul, in a recent audio interview with FOX, suggested that the U.S. would be better off withdrawing its aid to other nations, particularly those in the Middle East, such as Pakistan. In effect, Representative Paul is putting forth isolationism and neutrality as a desirable position for our country to hold. This, however, would be detrimental to our nation’s ‘interests,’ as he states. Pakistan, for example, possesses nuclear weapons, and is located in one of the world’s true hot spots. Radical Islamic terrorists are constantly involved in major upheaval in that area, and simply letting those nations go about their business with no external influences, from the U.S. in particular, simply invites these terrorists to take advantage of our absence. Our stepping out of Pakistan in every way, for example, gives terrorists the golden opportunity to obtain nuclear weapons with which to threaten the rest of the world: especially the United States.
Although circumstances differ in many situations—such as supplying financial or military aid in one region or another—the U.S. must always have a voice in the world. Isolationism is simply not possible in this age of instant communication and fast travel. The whole world is interconnected, now, and attempting to pull out and retreat behind our borders will only result in disaster, both economically and security-wise.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Isolationism and Our Relations With Foreign Nations
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Need to Ensure Safe and Reliable Transportation
Many of us will be traveling this holiday season to join with family and friends in celebration, but as millions of Americans take to the sky they may find anything but Christmas cheer. Long lines at the airports, seemingly endless delays, lost luggage, and missed connections will leave many travelers stranded and alone for the holidays.
It is the federal government’s responsibility to ensure that the airlines operate safely. While air traffic control operates as efficiently as possible. We need to continue to make improvements within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in order to guarantee reliable and secure transportation for the American people.
We have taken several steps in the right direction but more needs to be done. One of the more important things that needs to be done is for students to pursue degrees in fields that will allow the system to operate more efficiently and stay up to date with technical changes. Several Colorado Colleges and Universities have already begun to include these types of degree offerings. Furthermore we must continue to expand opportunities for FAA employees to succeed and advance within the industry. Another important development is the Bill that was just passed, that raises the age of retirement for pilots to 65 (Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act). Their experience and expertise is invaluable in the training and mentoring of the airline industry’s next generation.
As your next congressman I will work with the Colorado Springs Airport and other municipal airports in Colorado, the FAA, and other industry leaders to enhance the service of the airline industry and allow for the system to become more efficient. We must work together to ensure that local airports receive the resources necessary to continue operations and provide reliable transportation to and from Colorado.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Rayburn Responds to Gazette Article
Today I was mentioned in Ed Sealover's article in the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph. The article discussed my reluctance to declare whether or not I will petition on to the ballot or go through the assembly process. There are several factors behind my decision not to disclose my plans at this time, or acknowledge the calls of the Central Committee Executives to do so. The primary reason is that I would rather be out discussing my vision with the people than bogging myself down with internal party politics. I hope to appeal to the broadest voter base possible by focusing on the issues that face the Fifth District. My campaign is about the issues.
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Campaign Update
Here is a quick update on some exciting developments here at Rayburn headquarters. First, veteran political strategist Mike Hesse has agreed to sign on as campaign manager. Mike brings an enormous amount of wisdom and experience to the table and will be invaluable through the stretch. Second, Jeff Bartleson has joined the team. Some of you may know Jeff from the business community, others from his service with various area campaigns and non-profit organizations. His organizational skills will keep us all on track as the team continues to grow and we continue to gain momentum!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Gen. Bentley Rayburn for U.S. Congress
In this short informational video, Gen. Bentley Rayburn outlines his qualifications to serve as the U.S. Congressman representing the people of the 5th Congressional District of Colorado.
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Saturday, December 08, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Rayburn Responds to Supreme Court Guantanamo Case
As the U.S Supreme Court deliberates over whether the Guantanamo prisoners have any constitutional right to challenge their detainment in non-military courts, Congressional candidate and retired Maj. Gen. Bentley Rayburn weighed in on the issue, and expressed concern that people are not seeing the bigger picture.
According to Rayburn, "The prisoners that are currently detained in Guantanamo are not American citizens. They are enemies of the United States captured in hostile territory. Therefore they should not automatically be granted the same constitutional rights as you or I."
This seems to be the issue at the heart of the debate. Since the United States is the sole overseer of the prison, which is also on US territory, should US law apply to the combatants being held Guantanamo?
From a military commander's standpoint, Rayburn pointed out the potential problems that could come from such a ruling, "If we start to grant these types of rights to foreign combatants then it creates a legal precedent that will, in time, spiral out of control. Where does it stop? If they are granted these rights, do we then have our troops read them Miranda Rights every time we capture one of these terrorists in battle?"
Rayburn raises a significant issue as to whether this concession of rights would hamper the efforts of the troops. Such a ruling would create a legal and bureaucratic nightmare. With potentially endless appeals and legal intervention, the tangled web of red tape would be endless, and would create yet another unnecessary burden on the U.S. taxpayer.
As to what rights the prisoners should have Rayburn said, "[The United States] has agreed on specific rights laid out in the Geneva Convention. Despite the enemy's refusal to adhere to these rights, they are in place and should be followed."
By giving the detainees the same legal status as U.S. prisoners, the government risks impeding the flow of information coming from Guatanamo. Rayburn concluded, "As long as we are at war, they are the bad guys. The main right they have is to give us the information they are hiding."
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Issues
What sets Bentley Rayburn apart from the rest of the field of candidates in Colorado's 5th Congressional District? Below are just a few of the issues at stake in this campaign - and Gen. Rayburn consistently has taken a strong conservative stance on each one of them.
1. He knows we must win the war on terror
-He believes that radical Islamic jihadists are the greatest threat to our national security
-He also believes that the ability of our leaders to sustain our national resolve will determine the necessary perseverance of the American people
2. He will fight to protect our borders and put a stop to illegal immigration
-He believes that we can and we must secure our borders
-He agrees with plans to deny amnesty for those who break our laws and disrespect our country
2. He believes in the power of Free Markets, Liberty and Personal Responsibility
-He will insist on fiscal responsibility and knows we must cut wasteful spending.
-Believes that we need a balanced budget amendment and must give the President line item veto authority
-He will work to shrink the size of government
3. He supports conservative values
-He is completely Pro-Life and Pro-Family
-He believes amending the constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman is the best way to protect the institution of marriage from radical assaults
-He supports the overturn of Roe v. Wade
-He supports school choice and the expansion of the Charter School movement in Colorado
-He will fight to protect and improve opportunities for families who want to home school
-He supports our 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms
Stay tuned for more detailed information in the coming weeks.
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Gen. Bentley Rayburn Announces Run at Colorado CD5 Seat
Retired Major General Bentley Brooks Rayburn continutes to serve his country by running for the Congressional 5th District in Colorado. A social and fiscal conservative, he stands for winning the war against radical Islam, improving the education of our children, and balancing the federal budget by controlling spending and cutting taxes. He is a proven leader, a man of character and integrity, and a visionary to guide Colorado in the years ahead.
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007