Colorado Springs CO- Colorado Springs Mayor Lionel Rivera today announced that he is endorsing Bentley Rayburn in Colorado’s 5th Congressional District race. Mayor Rivera joins Colorado City Councilmen Scott Hente, Jerry Heimlicher and former Colorado Springs Mayor Harry Hoth in supporting Rayburn’s Candidacy.
In announcing his support for Rayburn, Rivera noted that Bentley’s military experience was truly the deciding factor. “Realizing that our nation is involved in a long protracted war coupled with the fact that this community is the home to five military installations leads me to believe that it is critical for the Congressman representing this district have military experience” Rivera stated.
“I am delighted to receive the endorsement today of a key community leader and a trail blazer in Lionel Rivera.” Rayburn stated. “Lionel has a record of service and leadership for the Colorado Springs community and I look forward to working with him and the many other Mayors and City Councils from throughout the district in a team effort to advance our agenda.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Colorado Springs Mayor Lionel Rivera Joins the Team!
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Challenge to Doug Lamborn to Debate
This morning I contacted Congressman Doug Lamborn’s campaign with a letter urging him to engage in a series of issue oriented debates. The contents of that letter follow.
June 2, 2008
Representative Douglas Lamborn
3730 Sinton Road, Ste 150
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Dear Congressman Lamborn,
On February 5, 2008, as you were announcing your candidacy for re-election I sent you a letter suggesting a series of 3 to 5 debates in order to facilitate a positive healthy exchange of ideas between candidates. Unfortunately, you did not respond to that letter.
Now with the completion of the Fifth Congressional Assembly this last Friday, and both of our campaigns submitting well over the necessary one thousand signatures required in order to qualify for the August primary ballot, I renew my call for a series of debates.
Certainly the fact that our nation will have a new President in January will dramatically change how business is done in Washington. Certainly, if the Congress remains under Democrat control your position of merely voting against Nancy Pelosi 99.7% of the time is not going to provide the leadership necessary to meet the many challenges we face as a nation. Clearly fighting the Democrat majorities will be important. However, in order to return to the majority in either House of Congress we must provide a vision for the future. I feel that the series of debates that I am proposing will give the voters in the Fifth Congressional District a first-hand view as to which candidate has the ideas and the life experience in order to begin moving our party, our district and our country forward.
In the spirit of trying to keep the campaign focused on the issues of concern to citizens of the district, my proposed series of 3 to5 debates would be hosted by key community groups, civic organizations and media outlets to provide in-depth discussions on key issues facing our community. These could include but certainly are not limited to the economy, winning the war against radical Islam, education, and healthcare.
Recognizing that August 12 is fast approaching, I suggest that the campaign managers for all three candidates meet either in person or via phone this week and compare the calendars so that these important debates can be scheduled in an expeditious fashion. My staff can be reached at (719) 884-7457
Candidate for Congress
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Monday, June 02, 2008