On Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 pm Bentley and retired Generals Billy Thomas and Mark Volcheff, along with astronaut Brian Duffy will host a tele-town hall with voters in the 5th Congressional District on the subject of national security and the threat of radical Islam. Anyone interested in participating may call the Rayburn campaign headquarters at 719 884-7457.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Military and Defense Leaders Endorsements
Today Bentley Rayburn released a partial list of military and defense leaders who have endorsed his candidacy for the U.S. Congress. “According to the Constitution, the primary function of the Congress is to provide for the common defense of our citizens. With that in mind, I am very honored to receive the endorsement of so many of our military and defense leaders listed below,” Rayburn said. “The fact is that there are fewer members of Congress with any kind of military experience now than there has been since World War II. Statistics show that less than 20% of our Congress has any military experience. When I am elected I plan to call upon many of these key leaders to provide me with guidance, recommendations and technical expertise. Understanding that the largest sector of our local economy is based on military and defense spending, I also intend to work diligently to bridge the gap that often exists between the military and business community in order to provide greater economic opportunities for our Fifth District communities.”
“I believe that fostering this relationship will lead to a stronger military by encouraging new ideas and technologies found in the business world to be brought into military and defense organizations,” Rayburn explained, “and will provide important job creation in a time in which our economy could benefit from new and innovative approaches.”
“I’ve worked with Bentley Rayburn for many years. He has the background, experience and vision that we badly need in Washington as our country faces some of the biggest challenges and threats that we have seen since World War II,” said retired U.S. Army Major General Robert Mixon, immediate past commander of Fort Carson.
Today’s endorsements include:
The Honorable Peter Teets, Former Undersecretary of the Air Force
General John Lorber, USAF (Ret)
General Lance Lord, USAF (Ret)
General John “Pete” Piotrowski, USAF (Ret)
General Ron Yates, USAF (Ret)
Lieutenant General A.P. Clark, USAF (Ret)
Lieutenant General Bruce Fister, USAF (Ret)
Lieutenant General Billy Thomas, USA (Ret)
Lieutenant General Thad Wolfe, USAF (Ret)
Major General George Douglas, USAF (Ret)
Major General Felix Dupre, USAF (Ret)
Major General Larry Fortner, USAF (Ret)
Major General John Hawley, USAF (Ret)
Major General John Mitchell, USA (Ret)
Major General Robert Mixon, USA (Ret)
Major General Frank Willis, USAF (Ret)
Brigadier General Dick Abel, USAF (Ret), Former President Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Former U.S. Olympic Committee Public Affairs
Brigadier General Teddy E. Rinebarger, USAF (Ret)
Brigadier General Malham “Mal” Wakin, USAF (Ret)
Colonel Bob Carlone, USAF (Ret), Co-Founder, The Home Front Cares
Colonel Vic Fernandez, USA (Ret), Past President, Military Officers Association of America; Past Chairman, Southern Colorado National Veterans’ Cemetery Committee
Colonel Joe Henjum, USAF (Ret), Co-Founder The Home Front Cares
Chaplain Bill Leonard, USN (Ret)
Colonel Stephen Leonard, USA (Ret)
Colonel Jim Mundt, USA (Ret)
Colonel Jim Palmer, USAF (Ret), Former Peterson AFB Base Commander, Former Senior VP for Government and Military Affairs, Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce
Chief Master Sergeant Ed Bell, USAF (Ret)
Chief Master Sergeant “Joe” Joseph, USAF (Ret)
Chief Master Sergeant Bill Legere, USAF (Ret)
Chief Master Sergeant Ron Miller, USAF (Ret)
Master Sergeant Wally Jones, USAF (Ret), President, The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA), Chapter One
Mr. Paul Darrow, USMC ’53-’55, President, Korean War Veterans Association, 2nd VP Pikes Peak Veterans’ Council
Mr. John Eck, Pearl Harbor Survivor
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
YouTube Endorsement Video Series
Today we released the first in a series of YouTube endorsement videos. These videos will feature a wide spectrum of individuals from throughout the district explaining in their own words why they support Bentley Rayburn for congress.
The first endorsement video features former Congressman Joel Hefley’s Chief of Staff, Connie Scott Solomon. Solomon served as Hefley’s Chief of Staff for six years ending in 2004.
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Former Colorado Springs Mayor Bob Isaac Endorses Bentley Rayburn
Former longtime Colorado Springs mayor Bob Isaac announced today that he is endorsing my candidacy in Colorado’s Fifth Congressional District race. Mayor Isaac is the first popularly elected mayor of Colorado Springs. He was first elected in April of 1979 and reelected to five consecutive terms. I am honored that this great leader has joined the team and I look forward to learning from his experience.
“I believe this is a critical time for our country and Bentley Rayburn will provide our community the leadership it desperately needs. His ability to bring people together to solve problems will benefit our community for many years," Isaac said.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008